Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Movie Week Reviews

So the first movie I saw this week was Manufactured. Going into the movie I had no idea what the film was about and even after 20 mins of the film I still didn't really know what the purpose of the documentary was. I liked the topic of the documentary which in the end was about China and their employment industry, however the way the film was layed out made me lose interest in the subject very fast. Within the first couple of minutes my attention had been lost because of the never ending panning shot of the factory workers which went on way too long. After that I felt the film had a stop and go sort of rhythm to it which for me wasn't appealing. The change between moving shots of the industry workers (which had a lack of commentary in my opinion) and then going to still shots of photos made the film very slow moving. The still images were really great photography and defiantly had a lot of symmetry to them which I liked but I feel they could have been incorporated into the film in a different way.

The next movie I saw was Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?. I had seen the movie before and was skeptical about watching it again because I honestly didn't like the story at all and was not a fan of the humour the first time around. I decided to watch it again because I wanted to focus on the film making aspects of it. I enjoyed watching the 'painting with pixels' segment before the film because it gave me insight into what the film making process was and the immense amount of work that went into the film post-production. The before and after shots they showed when explaining the color correction process was what interested me the most, if they hadn't done this process the movie would have had a completely different look and feeling to it. Seeing how they started out with a black and white scene and then slowly re-saturated it was an amazing effect. Throughout the movie I looked at the colors and tones of the scenes and really appreciated it and all the work that went into producing just the colors.

Today I watch Pecker and just like manufactured I had no clue what the film was about going into it. I thought the first bit of the movie was unrealalitic, when Pecker was going around taking pictures of random people everybody posed for him. If you try to take pictures of strangers here they look at you like your crazy and are doing something illegal. Pecker is one of the strangest movies I've ever seen from the creepy 'Little Chrissy' to his girlfriend who never stops talking about her laundromat and of course the large Virgin Mary doll that his grandma carries around and who could forget the scene at his sister's gay disturbing I don't even know what to say.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

DT 13.2: Blogging Non-School Related Photos

So this picture was taken at the beginning of Christmas break. I was out working on a different assignment and I ended up driving down a beautiful street filled with overlapping trees. So I got out and set up my tripod it was probably about -40°C and because it was already dark my shutter speeds were close to a minute having used ISO 100 and F/22. I definably hadn't been expecting to be outside so I set up my tripod took the picture and ran back into the car while the exposure finished.

This picture was taken the same night in Assiniboire Park. There wasn't any street lights so the only lights were from the headlights of my car. There was ever less light so my exposures at times were almost 3 minutes, so I did the same thing as before took the picture and sat in the car while I waited for the exposure to finish.

A couple days before Christmas I babysat my nephew so my cousin and her husband could go to a Christmas party. My nephew Emmett loves to play with my camera so most pictures that I have of him are him reaching for the lens, so I love the first picture because you can actually see his whole face. The second picture is of him fresh out of the bath and ready for bed, as you can see.

This was Christmas eve during the day at my cousins house. Unfortunatly I couldn't spend Christmas with her and my nephew because they were going up to Falcon Late that day to stay with other family. So we hung out, opened gifts and had lunch. In the end I shouldn't have gotten Emmett anything because all he was interested in was the wrapping paper from the gift.

These pictures are from New Year's Eve. Me and a couple of friends went out to the bar, so the first picture is a self portrait of myself getting ready, it's definatly not my best look, but my hair turned out in the end. The second picture is of my friends Kendra and Kyla, right after we got to the bar. It ended up being a fun girls night out.

This picture is from the day after New Year's, me and some friends got together for dinner. This picture is of my friend Melanie and her boyfriend Gabe the two of them were the only ones that would pose for pictures. I was ever lucky to get one good shot from that night because my friends are all very camera shy and also make me delete any candid shots I get.

So this picture is from an equipment yard off Route 90. I really liked all the different heights of the machines but I couldn't get a good shot with all the fencing. There was a huge snow bank in front of the yard so I climbed up the very steep 15 foot hill, probably not the best idea considering I have awful balance and directly on the other side of the hill was a very busy street. It worked out in the end and I was able to get a higher view of the yard, and thankfully I didn't get hurt.

So this picture was from last night. I wanted to go see the Olympic torch but it was so busy and there was absolutely no where to park! I settled on heading over to the Provender bridge to take pictures of it because for the first time they had added color lights to the bridge.